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Campaign Updates
Statement to North Augusta 20/20 from Gary Bunker on Candidacy for Aiken County Council Chairman
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss my candidacy for Chairman of the Aiken County Council with the members of the North Augusta...

Memorial Day and Historic Memory
Gary Bunker addressed the American Legion Post 26 in Aiken on Monday, May 23, 2017. On December 30, 1970, a small, single engine...
Column: Frittering away Aiken County’s general fund balance
The Aiken County Council’s mid-year budget amendments are usually non-controversial. They primarily re-budget revenues and expenditures...
Increasing benefit costs puts pressure on Aiken County finances
Aiken County Human Resource Director Gayle Wolman’s recent presentation on county employee health benefits sent mixed messages. Speaking...
Aiken County report paints a mixed picture
Aiken County’s Fiscal Year 2016 end of year financial report paints a mixed picture. While the combined balance across all funds grew...
County Council Punts on Budget for another Year
The Aiken County Council punted on the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 budget last Tuesday night. Though Council approved a balanced budget, little...
County’s audit report highlights improvements
The Aiken County “Comprehensive Annual Financial Report” for the year ending June 30, 2015, demonstrated improvements over last year’s...
Focus economic development efforts on industrial expansion
AGY’s announcement that its Wagener Road plant will add 80 new jobs within the next five years is good news. Given Aiken County’s anemic...
Council has a role on the refugee issue
On Nov. 12 the Aiken County Republican Party Executive Committee approved a resolution opposing refugee resettlement in Aiken County....
Financial impacts of Aiken County’s debt
As of June 30, Aiken County had $37.8 million in outstanding general obligation bonds. What is this debt for? Is it growing or shrinking?...
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